
Average score 691 Reviews
Paul Bog noted on Google

Excellent rapport qualité prix. Nous avons pris à emporter. (Translated by Google) Excellent value. We took takeaway.

7 days ago
Philippe Langlois noted on Google

9 days ago
zamara Oibonomo noted on Google

11 days ago
Gaya noted on Google

14 days ago
Émeline Gaxatte noted on Google

Excellent raviolis bœuf oignon !!! Salade de pomme de terre très bonne, thé à la rose super ! Service rapide. (Translated by Google) Excellent beef and onion ravioli!!! Very good potato salad, great rose tea! Fast service.

15 days ago
Tasha 75 noted on Google

C'est une masterpiece leur raviolis je suis super fan! (Translated by Google) Their ravioli is a masterpiece, I’m a huge fan!

1 month ago
Clement Ri noted on Google

Un classique ! Jamais déçu quelque soit les raviolis. Tout est très bon et les prix sont très corrects. Si vous voulez découvrir les raviolis chinois, c'est l'endroit idéal (Translated by Google) A classic ! Never disappointed whatever the ravioli. Everything is very good and the prices are very fair. If you want to discover Chinese dumplings, this is the place

1 month ago
Guillaume Moreau noted on Google

Super restaurant à côté de Belleville. Le rapport qualité/prix est super avec un large choix de produits. (Translated by Google) Great restaurant near Belleville. The quality/price ratio is great with a wide choice of products.

1 month ago
Alias LeVent (LeVentDeLaNuit) noted on Google

7€ les 10 raviolis - peu pas mieux faire. Rapport qualité prix au top (Translated by Google) 7€ for 10 raviolis - couldn't do better. Top value for money

1 month ago
Elise Lévêque noted on Google

1 month ago

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75010 Paris, France

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