
Average score 691 Reviews
Audrey Thiolier noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good address! Effective, inexpensive and good! Fast and quite friendly service. For a rather quick meal that doesn't last forever because there are a lot of people, noise, it's alive / it's moving and that's part of the thing! When we're finished, we pay and leave straight away to leave our place. (Original) Bonne adresse ! Efficace , pas cher et bon ! Service rapide et assez sympa . Pour un repas plutôt rapide qui ne s’éternise pas car il y a beaucoup de monde , de bruit, ça vie / ça bouge et ça fait partie du truc ! Quand on a fini on règle et on part direct pour laisser sa place.

8 months ago
Laura Kubler noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Great ! Best asset of the card; the xiao long bao (Original) Super ! Meilleur atout de la carte ; le xiao long bao

8 months ago
Paul HESS noted on Google

8 months ago
Mylène Duf noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good food for the price. Staff could be friendlier however but does not detract from the quality of this canteen (Original) Très bonne cuisine pour le prix. Personnels pourrait être plus aimable cependant mais n'enlève rien à la qualité de cette cantine

8 months ago
eben zida noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I went to eat with my friends. It was delicious. The best xiaolongbao (Original) 我跟朋友一起去吃了,很好吃的 小笼包最好的

8 months ago
Irina Bran noted on Google

(Translated by Google) It was a treat! Best ravioli I've ever tasted (Original) C’était une régale! Des meilleurs raviolis que j’ai goûté

8 months ago
Éléonore S noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good ravioli, fast service, also very good deal for buying frozen ravioli to make at home (Original) Très bons raviolis, service rapide, très bon plan aussi pour acheter des raviolis congelés à faire chez soi

8 months ago
Edgar Bolton noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A very good little Buibui where the specialty is ravioli. Originating from the North East of China, they are worth trying if you like this fine Chinese cuisine. Real little sweets! (Original) Un très bon petit Buibui où la spécialité sont les raviolis. Origine du Nord Est de la Chine ils sont à tester si vous aimez cette fine cuisine chinoise. De vrais petit bonbons !

8 months ago
Kevin Doolan noted on Google

8 months ago
Loïs Bdg noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Fast service, good food, very fair prices (Original) Service rapide, bonne cuisine, prix très correct

8 months ago

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